Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Test Prep Material Updates Designed to Get You Results!

3 Test Prep Material Updates Designed to Get You Results! Here at AJ Tutoring, we are always striving to keep our test prep materials as up-to-date as possible in order to better serve and prepare our students. In order to do this, we continually audit and update our materials to make them as effective as possible. Here’s what we’re working on right now!One: Practice testsOne of the challenges with the new test has been the scarcity of available practice tests. So far, the College Board has released only seven SATs and a handful of PSATs. While larger test prep companies have also released tests, the relative speed of their publishing process means that their tests may not accurately reflect what was released in the latest College Board tests. Our solution has been to purchase real tests for our students and to wait until there was a statistically significant number of released problems before we developed our own tests to supplement instruction. Our rigorous creation process uses and analyzes all data available about the SAT in order t o make the tests as true-to-form as possible. We analyze trends in word length, subject distribution, and even subject matter before we even begin a test. Once the test is written, it goes through rigorous testing by our expert tutors who have seen everything there is to see of the SAT. Expect to see our new tests debut to students in June! If you’d like to learn more about our SAT program, click here!Two: Our SAT/ACT HybridNot sure which test is right for your student? One of the challenges with the new test is simply figuring out which test is going to be the best fit. While most of our students do take both the SAT and ACT, we have also developed a diagnostic test that looks at the most crucial parts of the SAT and ACT (timing, content, and style) in order to determine which test is right for your child. Interested in having your child take our hybrid test? Reach out to one of our directors of client services today or click here to find out more about our hybrid SAT/ACT program and test prep materials. Three: Continually improving SAT test prep materialsAs part of continuing to make sure that our materials align as closely as possible with the SAT, we also continually work to update our teaching materials as new information becomes available. Right now, we are working on expanding our Writing and Language packets to even better prepare our students to conquer grammar and style! We are also creating larger banks of questions for all parts of the test so students can have even more practice in vital concepts as they prepare for these difficult tests. Curious about our SAT tutoring process? Click here to learn more.

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